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Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Could I be a privilaged or a star member? I'm always wanting to upload more than 5 files at a time or files bigger than I'm allowed (files for my mod)
Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Well, I'm still waiting for the FTP Information. Sorry if I'm rushing you, but it's been a while and my team isn't very organized, so mod progress is going very slow.
Posted By sHiBaN,
18 years Ago
I really like your uploader. I'll use it to backup my Max files.
It's passworded so you won't stoeled them. :3
Posted By user4,
18 years Ago
Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Why are you "user4" and not "Cobalt"?
Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Ah, my mods really doing well. I've got this new modeler called "Protech" in my team. He's really talented, and damn is he fast. He models a pistol in one day with tons of details easily.
Posted By Infallible,
18 years Ago
Lol, finding it difficult to fix the date thing on the comments?
Posted By Hitman407,
18 years Ago
Thanks for implementing the "manage" friends :D It's awesome, thanks ^^