13 years Ago
- Notices page is now cleaner - Updated "Create Album" page, fixed bug and added file extension icon. - Dealt with forum spam advertising What features would you like to see on the site? We have successfully migrated servers with less than 48 hours of uploading being disabled, less than 2 hours of downtime, and 0% file loss. Thank you for your patience! We are migrating servers. Your uploads will remain safe! - Uploading disabled on 11/16/11 - Downtime starting on 11/17/11, for between 12 to 48 hours We are estimating a total of 3 days of uploading being disabled. Thank you for your patience. - added feature: search page has date start/end constraint, and uploaded file page has a "search by this day" button. We have successfully transferred all your uploads without any losses, and we are back up and running! check out our New Prices!. The new site has been fully tested for bugs by several bug testers, but if they missed something, or if you have a suggestion, Let us know! Thank you for your patience in not being able to upload for a few days while i moved servers. I had 2 days notice to download 40GB of your files and then upload them again, and i luckily have just succeeded in doing so. I can also proudly say that there was 0% loss of files, unlike the last time i moved servers. Because i have to move onto shared hosting, this website will need to become image-only. Your non-image files you have uploaded in the past will be protected, except for Mp3's, which will be deleted so i don't get sued. - Justin S. We are running out of space on the server, so: Everyone will only be allowed to upload image types unless they Purchase (click here) the upgrade. IN ADDITION: In 2 weeks, on Monday, 8/25/08, all uploads greater than 4MB will be deleted EXCEPT uploads belonging to users with upgraded membership. You have until then to purchase the upgrade. I recently found out that users have been using the file format "SWF" to upload music files and bypass my no-downloding-music feature. These files have been deleted, and the users have been banned. SWF Uploads will be checked regularly, and if it continues to happen, the SWF format will be banned entirely. In other news, check out: Fragpegs.com The Ultimate Gaming Media Resource FragPegs.com From the people who brought you sleekupload and phpdimensions... FragPegs - changing how you look at games! Please register and check it out, it is pretty neat! I have successfully finished the flash mp3 player. all current embedded codes on external websites will have to be updated. I am currently configuring the old music uploads to work with the new one, that will take about a day or two. but for now, any *new* music uploads will work with the player. and your old ones will work soon, without you having to change a thing. [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] [Entry Archived] |