Recover Account
Big Update
16 years Ago
We are running out of space on the server, so:
Everyone will only be allowed to upload image types unless they Purchase (click here) the upgrade.

In 2 weeks, on Monday, 8/25/08, all uploads greater than 4MB will be deleted EXCEPT uploads belonging to users with upgraded membership.

You have until then to purchase the upgrade.

Chief_runningwater - 16 years Ago
user4 - 16 years Ago
its only ten bucks
killercrak - 16 years Ago

swamp56 - 16 years Ago
Fail all over the place.
user4 - 16 years Ago
Maybe you could try paying 120 a month?
Smithz - 16 years Ago

I bought it ^^
bigdog - 16 years Ago
Haha :) Peoples reactions are funny :)
Chester - 16 years Ago
This is too bad. I don't think its the upgrade as much as the time wasted uploading large files.

Not everyone has $10.00 on demand, either.

On the bright side, at least pictures aren't affected ;D
user4 - 16 years Ago
not everyone has 120 on demand every month either.
Chester - 16 years Ago
many of us would not start something if we knew we could not afford it.
user4 - 16 years Ago
I wouldn't have either, i started it thinking i could have shared hosting for like max of 20 bucks a month. But they get mad, VERY mad. it isn't possible to have a file uploads website without a dedicated server, and that costs much more.
negx - 16 years Ago
Ugh..the only reason your site was awesome was because it was free.

Filefront is like 2000x better now, because it has all the features for free.
sssnake - 16 years Ago
It was nice enough for you to provide this site. Would more advertisements help?
user4 - 16 years Ago
thank you snake, i appreciate that.
Advertisements only go so far, and right now it's only up to $5 a month or less.
Bopper - 16 years Ago
I can't afford a upgraded account.
ATIboi - 16 years Ago
Shit I can't even afford my own ripe, but now this? D:

I guess it's okay, I only use this for small-ish sized images.
atomen - 16 years Ago
I think this website is way better then the most.

If you compare this with imageshack, IMO imageshack is shit.

Great work csscobalt!
CourageFaith - 16 years Ago
I can't afford a upgraded account.[2]

But Iīm not used to upload heavy images, donīt worry. :P And I like to use this site and ImageShack to host my images.
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