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nintendo2012 nintendo2012
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Posted By user4, 17 years Ago   
Bigdog (nick) and i are about to come out with our website "FragPegs", a gaming video website, and are currently recruiting beta testers to be the first to test on the new website, as well as look for any bugs. If you are interested, please comment back on my profile!
- Justin
Posted By jhobb, 17 years Ago   
You is one pimp juice.
Posted By MooCow, 17 years Ago   
Nintendo! :D!
Posted By nintendo2012, 17 years Ago   
: ) Hola people. leave more comments!
Posted By nintendo2012, 17 years Ago   
: ) Hola people. leave more comments!
Posted By rootbeerz, 17 years Ago   
Hello! :)
Posted By user4, 17 years Ago   
hey sexy
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